Home » The Susquehanna Review

This Press is Open to Submissions.

Susquehanna Review Susquehanna University 610 University Avenue Selinsgrove, PA 17870 


Email sureview@susqu.edu

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The Susquehanna Review


The Susquehanna Review is an annual international undergraduate journal run by students at Susquehanna University. We feature work in fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and visual art. Our mission is to share writing that is innovative and brave, full of fresh language that excites us as readers and as writers, honed in on the depth and variety of human experience. We want to showcase the talent and maturity of today’s undergraduate student writers and artists. 

Accepts Submissions Via

Online Form 🧾

Submission Information

Simultaneous Submissions: Yes
Multiple Entries: Yes
Fees 0
Open to all/most Styles
Open to all/most Topics
Type/Length: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Visual Arts

Submission Guidelines

Please read some of the work featured in our online journal for examples of what we’re looking for. We accept submissions year-round. To be considered for our 2022 issue, please submit your fiction, non-fiction, poetry, art, and translations by February 15th, 2022. Please be sure to include the name of your undergraduate institution and any of your previous publications in your cover letter. *We ONLY accept work from individuals who are undergraduates in a university or collegiate institution at the time of submission. If this does not apply to you, you are NOT ELIGIBLE TO BE PUBLISHED BY US. Thank you!

Other Information

We’re interested in undergraduate writing with fresh language, complexity, strong character development, emotional resonance, and momentum. We want to read something we haven’t read before. We want your language to linger in us long after we’ve finished the piece. Please read past issues for examples of what we’re looking for. We accept fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, literary translations, and art. ​