Home » The Hong Kong Review

This Press is Open to Submissions.

2306 Prosper Commercial Building, 9 Yin Chong Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong 2-4, Chengxiang Mansion, Nankai District, Tianjin


Established: 2018

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The Hong Kong Review


The Hong Kong Review is published in December, March, June, and September by Metacircle (Hong Kong) Culture and Education Co., Ltd. It is supported by Metacircle Fellowship, a foundation established and run by Metacircle (Hong Kong) Culture and Education Co., Ltd. to promote letters, arts, and humanities. The Hong Kong Review publishes short stories, novellas, excerpts of novels, poems, creative nonfiction, critical essays, translations of poetry or short prose, and pictures of artwork. ​

Accepts Submissions Via

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Submission Information

Simultaneous Submissions: Yes
Multiple Entries: Yes
Fees Charges fees for submission
Open to all/most Styles
Open to all/most Topics
Type/Length: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry

Submission Guidelines

For fiction submission, please submit one piece of your work a time. For poetry and picture submission, please submit up to five pieces of your work a time. We accept Word or Pages documents for your texts. If you are to submit translations, please obtain the author and publisher permissions beforehand. If you are to submit pictures of artwork, please understand that we prefer TIFF files to other file formats. Thank you in advance for sharing your work with us

Other Information