New England Review gives readers a vital snapshot of the literary moment, four times a year, in its richness, complexity, and diversity. We publish poetry and fiction in a variety of shapes and styles—some renovating old forms and others inventing new forms altogether—alongside a range of nonfiction, including personal and lyric essays, cultural revaluations, travelogues, and more.
1. We only accept writing that has not been published previously, whether in print or on the web.
2. We suggest that NER authors wait about a year after their most recent publication until they submit again (e.g., If you were published in spring 2021, please wait until spring 2022 to submit new work).
3. Include a cover letter in your submission. Your cover letter should provide contact information and state the genre and title of the submission, as well as any salient information about you—e.g., previous publications, never before published—or about your piece.
4. Please send no more than six poems at once, and upload them as a single file.
5. Please submit your work through Submittable, our online submissions portal. (If the submission fee presents a financial hardship, please email us.)
6. We allow paper submissions for writers who for any reason are unable to use Submittable. Please do not send your only copy, as we cannot be responsible for lost or damaged manuscripts, and include a letter-size self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) for our reply only. There is no fee. Please do not send paper submissions outside of our open submissions periods or they will be returned unread. Our mailing address is New England Review, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT 05753.
1. In December 2023 we will publish an issue dedicated to emerging writers. If you have not yet published a book or full-length collection, and you would like to have your work considered for that issue, please note that in your submission by clicking the optional “emerging writer” box. All submissions will also be considered for regular issues.
2. Payment for work published in the journal is $20 per page ($50 minimum), plus two copies of the issue in which the work appears and a one-year subscription to the print or e-book edition.
3. For online publication in NER Digital, payment is $50 and a one-year subscription to the magazine.