Poetry Salzburg Review publishes poems, translations, interviews, essays, reviews of recent collections of poetry, and cover artwork. Our intention is to publish the best available writing from a variety of writers.
1. All submissions should be typed and on one side of the paper only. Make sure that your name is on each page of the manuscript. Please include a bio/biographical note (up to 100 words). Please send your submission to the following address:
Poetry Salzburg Review
Dr. Wolfgang Görtschacher
University of Salzburg
Department of English and American Studies
Erzabt-Klotz-Str. 1
5020 Salzburg
2. We accept e-mail submissions for PSR only if you provide us with your postal address, a cover letter, and your bio/bibliographical note. As Poetry Salzburg Review is a bi-annual magazine, authors are requested to send us only one submission (4-6 poems) per issue.
3. Please send your submission as one single Word file. Please give us up to two months for our reply.
4. We do not read simultaneous submissions! We do not publish texts that have been published elsewhere (this also includes Internet magazines, homepages, and blogs)! We do not read (review) websites and do not consider work published there.
5. If poems have been previously published, the editorial board reserves the right to ban the poet from our future issues.
If work is accepted, we always try to send out the proofs of the poems / review-essay as soon as possible. We do not publish a single line if it is not approved by the author. If poets do not return the proofs of their work within a month we will NOT print their poems / review-essay.