Founded in 1989, takahē exists to foster and promote art and literature that represents the diverse voices of Aotearoa New Zealand within the global context. It does this by publishing innovative prose, poetry, art, and critique by emerging and established writers and artists. Many of Aotearoa New Zealand’s brightest literary talents made their first public appearance within our pages, and we remain committed to publishing the best work from emerging talents alongside that of established writers and artists.
Submit up to four poems in one document. Sequences are accepted. There are no hard and fast length restrictions, but bear in mind that two of our three issues every year are physical magazines, so space is not unlimited.
Simultaneous submissions are welcome (truly!), but please notify us immediately (using the Messages function) if your work is accepted elsewhere.
Please wait for a response before submitting again. One submission only per submissions period. We have a large volume of submissions, we read with care, and response times may vary.
Payment for published work is NZ$35 for the first page and NZ$25 for each page thereafter, plus a contributor’s copy of the issue in which the work appears.
xFor online issues, it is NZ$35 for the first poem and NZ$25 for each additional poem. Payments are via bank transfer domestically. Payments to contributors outside Aotearoa New Zealand are via PayPal and may not be possible where there are excessive fees.