Home » The Magnolia Review

This Press is Open to Submissions.

The Magnolia Review Suzanna Anderson PO Box 1332 Reynoldsburg, OH 43068


Established: 2011
Email themagnoliareview@gmail.com

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The Magnolia Review


The Magnolia Review was born in October 2011, and we started accepting submissions for our first issue in August 2014. The Magnolia Review was conceived by Bowling Green State University creative writing undergraduates. Suzanna Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief and Founder.

Accepts Submissions Via

Email 📧

Submission Information

Simultaneous Submissions: Yes
Multiple Entries: Yes
Fees N/A
Open to all/most Styles
Open to all/most Topics
Type/Length: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Visual Arts

Submission Guidelines

To submit to The Magnolia Review, send your work via an attachment to our email: themagnoliareview@gmail.com. In the body of the email, include your cover letter and a brief third person biography (85 words or less). Writers and Artists: Please remove all personal information from the document so the editors may read the work blindly. We do read simultaneous submissions, but if your work is accepted elsewhere, notify us immediately. If we want to publish this work, we will print with second serial rights. We will need the name of previous publications if we accept work that has been published elsewhere. We have modified our reprint guidelines. We now accept previously published work, be it in print or online. Please inform us during submission which pieces are available as first serial rights and which are available as second serial rights. We will need the name of previous publications if we accept work that has been published elsewhere. Artists, Comics, and Visual Narrative Artists: Please send your work in jpegs at 300 dpi, in a zip file if necessary. If you have questions, please email themagnoliareview@gmail.com. Don’t worry about removing personal information from your submission. Please send art as jpeg or tiff files with a minimum ppi of 300. Other file types will be rejected immediately. We prefer tiff files.Google Drive is acceptable to submit your work. If you’re a student of Theresa Williams’ Graphic Novel Workshop at BGSU, please feel free to send your zines, exercises, composition book pages, etc. Fiction and Creative Nonfiction Writers: Please remove your name and contact information from the document. Send word files as a Word Document or PDF. We prefer Word Documents. We love Times New Roman with 12 point font, double spaced preferable. Poets: Please remove your name and contact information from the document. We will look at a maximum of eight poems. We highly encourage sending at least six poems. Please put all of your poems in one file. Send word files as a Word Document or PDF. We prefer Word Documents. We love Times New Roman with 12 point font, single spaced preferable. Please put each poem on a separate page. Please list the title of each poem in your submission email.

Other Information